
My experience learning English at the university

 I feel that my experience studying English at the university is much better than at school, since practicing English in class makes it much easier for me to understand it. But there is something that makes it difficult for me, the face-to-face classes are more dynamic, entertaining and participatory, that makes me motivated to continue studying, but on the other hand, we have online classes and that distracts me, it is very hard for me to focus and learn, plus there are many distractions in my room, which makes me lose focus a lot. The blog has helped me to practice my reading and my ability to write in English and understand it better, although I still have a hard time understanding it.  English is present in my daily life many times, for example when I listen to music or watch movies in their original language and I have to put subtitles, but I do not use it often because part of my environment does not allow me to do so, although I would like to practice it much more as it is neces

Changes to my study programme

 I am studying kindergarden education and in general I like the way my career is organized but there are certain things I would change.  First, I would add to the curriculum a class called emotional education because I think it is very important for my work with children and their learning, also a class where they teach us the reality of the jobs in Chile because I have seen that not everything they say is the way it really is.  With respect to the duration of the career I feel that it is fine, there is even the possibility of doing a master's degree within the years of the career, the negative thing is that it is something that must be paid with money from oneself and that does not come from the State. The infrastructure of the faculty is good, it has a rooftop and subway, it may look small on the outside but it is still a large building, and we also have a huge amphitheater to carry out important things.  The internet of the faculty is bad, in this aspect I would change or streng

Time travel to the past or the future

 Choosing between the past and the future is very difficult because I am curious in both situations but I think I lean more towards the past as I need to know how evolved today's society is compared to that of times past. I would like to know if before life was much more complicated than now and live in those times.   I would like to travel to the colonial era for two reasons, I really like the dresses that were worn at that time, I'm talking about the dresses of the wealthy people, with their jewelry and their well-groomed hairstyles. The other reason is that I know it was a difficult time for women and I would like to know how they thought at that time because they had no right to anything because it was a community run by men.  The trip would be for a couple of days because as I said it was a difficult time for women and I would not like to suffer like them, I just want to feel like a princess with those dresses hahaha. Besides that I would also like to travel to a past clos

A job you would like to have in the future

Im study kindergarden Education and I love the career but I dont know if I want to dedicate my whole life to teaching. I would like to write a book in the future and dedicate myself in the research area, maybe make a investigation about children and their behaviors or play and creativity in them. I want to do this because, first I love to read and write and I thing that my skills  would help the development to create new learning opportunities. The Education is important for me and I believe it would be a contribution to the future of the children of our country.  also after finishing my career I would like to enter in the area of child psychology, because I feel that the more things we know about what we are passionate about, the better performance we will have in our own learning and thus promote it in our future work. Another of my skills to develop this is that I know how to reach the children, I can tell how they are doing and what they are feeling because I am a good observ


  I was 14 when I went to that concert, I was really excited because it was my favorite band at the time. The name of the band was R5, it was a group of the brothers and a very close friend, their names are Ross Lynch, Rocky Lynch, Rydel Lynch, Riker Lynch and Ellington Ratliff. All their names star with R except for Ellington, who used his last name. The concert was on December 17, 2015 at the Cariola theater and it was quite an adventure because it coincides with my eighth grade graduation, so, I was sad because I didn´t know which option to choose but in the end I chose the concert because I would not know when they would return to Chile. I was in line from 6 in the morning to be in front of them, they were very long hours and also we were standing for along time. The concert was a lot of fun, but I was drowning with the large number of people there but I didn´t care, I just tried to enjoy the artist a lot.

A country you would like to visit.

One of the places I would like to visit is Italy, because I saw pictures of beautiful places and I fell in love with them . Also, my aunt lived there for many years and she told me many things about the places. I know their culture is very sexist and is something I don't like but I hope  that will change. Also, she told me that in winter is very cold and I love to feel the cold. The older people  wear synthetic fur coats and my aunt  gave me one when I was 8 years old but it was too big for me. The food is onother of the things that I heard was delicious, especially pasta and I love the pasta. I would like to do many things,  Especially visiting many places on my vacations, such as Venice or Rome. I would probably like to live there just to get to know a bit more of the culture and enjoy the weather and the places.