
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2022

My experience learning English at the university

 I feel that my experience studying English at the university is much better than at school, since practicing English in class makes it much easier for me to understand it. But there is something that makes it difficult for me, the face-to-face classes are more dynamic, entertaining and participatory, that makes me motivated to continue studying, but on the other hand, we have online classes and that distracts me, it is very hard for me to focus and learn, plus there are many distractions in my room, which makes me lose focus a lot. The blog has helped me to practice my reading and my ability to write in English and understand it better, although I still have a hard time understanding it.  English is present in my daily life many times, for example when I listen to music or watch movies in their original language and I have to put subtitles, but I do not use it often because part of my environment does not allow me to do so, although I would like to practice it much more as it is neces

Changes to my study programme

 I am studying kindergarden education and in general I like the way my career is organized but there are certain things I would change.  First, I would add to the curriculum a class called emotional education because I think it is very important for my work with children and their learning, also a class where they teach us the reality of the jobs in Chile because I have seen that not everything they say is the way it really is.  With respect to the duration of the career I feel that it is fine, there is even the possibility of doing a master's degree within the years of the career, the negative thing is that it is something that must be paid with money from oneself and that does not come from the State. The infrastructure of the faculty is good, it has a rooftop and subway, it may look small on the outside but it is still a large building, and we also have a huge amphitheater to carry out important things.  The internet of the faculty is bad, in this aspect I would change or streng